How did we all get so confused? Did anybody else notice that Diet Coke (to those who drink it) is like a drug? I mean I am guilty as charged, but seriously, just because it has zero calories and tastes DE-LI-
CIOUS doesn't mean I should drink 5 or 6 a day. I mean really though, people who drink Diet Coke, and I mean, most people who drink Diet Coke, drink them like its water. BUT ITS NOT! And is it not totally sickening that this advertisement is playing up on that notion?
I'm sorry but last time I checked, Diet Coke is not the same as coffee, and no thank you I will not
forgo my comforting and highly necessary morning cup of joe for a Diet Coke. Not to mention this...

So now we confuse all those people who already think Diet Coke isn't that unhealthy by adding extra Vitamins.
Drink more Diet Coke -- get more Vitamins.No thanks, I'll stick to fruits and vegetables for my extra vitamin boosts. Or maybe just a Jamba Juice...